Managing your Website

I was talking to a customer the other day about how the web offers small business owners more tools and functions than ever before. Think about about it. The ability to add, modify or remove content from a website without any programming knowledge. The ability to, in real time, update followers of events, news, and…

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Rags to Riches

Everybody loves a good “before and after” story. From time to time, we’ll be sharing projects where we were able to learn some lessons and teach some lessons. It will look simple, logical and slick–but we’ll be honest about the nitty-gritty that comes with the change. You may not cry in the end, but you’ll…

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Is this thing on?

Podcasts and media: this is where we’re saving some space for fancy podcasts and flashy media presentations. You’re going to love it!

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Jazepro has had the privilege of working with many different companies and organizations over the years. Some are selling great products in a great way, others are meeting needs in heroic ways. When there is a product, service, or concept that really inspires us–SUPERfriend-style–we want to share the inspiration with you! Check back often to…

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Opportunities Everywhere

Remember watching those old episodes Star Trek where Captain Kirk calls up to the ship using his handy dandy communication device? or uses a tricorder to capture information about something to review later? I remember watching those shows thinking WOW. Wouldn’t that be cool? Wirelessly talking to someone hundreds of miles away… Let’s fast forward…

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Be Social

But Jenny, do I have to? Yes, you do. Your business or organization needs to be networking on the social media channels for the same reasons we all need to be part of a community; it has function and purpose and it’s just plain good for you. Facebook, Twitter, Google+, blogging–these are the ways that…

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The marketing works, so now what?

Getting someone to call, click or come in is very important, but if there’s not a plan beyond this, you may actually do more harm than good. After all, most new customers will only investigate you once, and if they don’t find anything they need, then they may be lost forever. So what happens when…

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Tasting our own medicine

We’re not proud–Jazepro needed a facelift. But not just because we like a fresh, new look, but also because we needed a better way to share the many changes and upgrades we’ve made Behind the scenes: We’ve added team members, we’ve added new services, and we’re working harder to impress, inform, and inspire! We asked…

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