Tips for making a smarter website design
It seems that daily we are thinking about ways to improve website designs. Do we have a clear call-to-action? Do we need a responsive site? Is our layout engaging our customer? As a business owner we need to be aware of the trends in website design. Here is a little data that might help you.
Website bounce rate spikes to 100% when a page takes more than 4 seconds to load. It jumps to 150% if it takes more than 8 seconds. (Source: Keynote)
69% of North American marketers say dynamic, personalized content is important for their website. Only 5% say it’s of low importance. (source: Marketing Charts)
40% of people will leave a site if it takes more than three seconds to load. (source: Econsultancy)
90% of people use multiple screens sequentially. (Source: uberflip)
78% of client-side said that their company was extremely committed to delivering the best online user experience (source: Econsultancy)
9 out of 10 respondents (95%) agreed with this statement “a good user experience just makes sense.” (source: Econsultancy)
78% of marketers reported their marketing campaigns were somewhat driven by website optimization results, only 47% of marketers said their web design or product development actually changed as a result of optimization lessons. (source: MarketingShepra)
55% of companies are currently conducting any online user experience testing (source: Econsultacy)
62% of companies designed a website specifically for mobile had an increase in sales. (source: Econsultancy)
Fortune 500 websites showed that 63% have content above the fold, 50% feature a scrolling content window, 63% use high quality images that connect with their users, and an average loading time of 6.5 seconds. (source: Go-Globe)
46% of mobile users resport difficulty interacting with a web page, and 44% complain that navigation was too difficult. (Source: Keynote)