Need a basic website for a basic price?

URL? HTTP? Domain? Hosting? Servers? Templates? .org? .com? .cc? .HUH?! We hear ya! We understand that taking a stab at creating a website all by yourself can become quickly overwhelming. One of the most prohibiting aspects of establishing an online presence can often be cost. You might be saying, “All I need is a simple website…

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Marketing Makeover Part 1

We’ve all seen the home shows where they take dilapidated old house, rip it apart, throw some money at it, and in 30 minutes (with commercials) take it from drab to fab! If only we could do that with our own homes, or body images, or small businesses! It may take more than 30 minutes,…

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Check our our newly improved ticket system

We have updated our ticket management system so that it will allow us to provide 24/7/365 customer service. Our customers can create a ticket for help, changes, or new projects that will then be sent to our team. We will then organize, prioritize, analyze and respond to your request. We believe that this system will…

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What’s the Best Way to Spend My Marketing Budget?

We all like to think that we are spending our money wisely–both personally and professionally. Risking your money on a shirt to wear this weekend is easier than laying out cash for a fancy marketing plan–after all, it is just a plan. And although it may be hard to hear, most marketing is calculated guessing–emphasis…

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What are the top five ways to communicate?

It’s New Year’s Resolution season and we wanted to take a minute to inspire you to revisit your communication strategies with our list of the top five ways to communicate that we recommend most often to our clients:  Be social! While a lot has changed (and will continue to change) in the social media world,…

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What do I blog about?

Blogging can be a daunting task if you over-think it–but we’re here to tell you–just go for it! Find your voice, speak to your customers, and share your insight! You have more to say and share than you’re probably giving yourself credit for, so let me remind you of your deep well of resources. The…

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What’s the best navigation app?

With so many different apps out there to help you do everything from finding a bathroom to planning your trip around the world, it is hard to choose. Most of us do the trial and error route: install, test, delete. After using several different GPS systems out there I’ve found one that I really like…

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Don’t Instapanic

How many times do we check the box to make it disappear–“I agree to terms and conditions”–but never read it word for word? If you’re like a lot of us–too many times. The recent kerfuffle with Instagram is another example of balancing the benefits of using free service apps like Instagram, Facebook, Google+, and others,…

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Stop Marketing and Start Inspiring

When you hear the word “Inspire”, what comes to mind? Do you have the picturesque image of an artist painting the sunset meeting a dark and vast mountain range? Or perhaps you visualize someone sitting at a spot-lit piano on a blacken stage on the verge of a masterpiece. Maybe it takes you back to…

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Marketing Masks & Ninja Assassins

I get a kick out of the things people dress up like for Halloween. How one personality transforms into another for a day of fun. Take my niece Sadie just for example. Mild mannered, sweet little first grader who transforms into a dangerous masked ninja assassin. I can’t barely even recognize her in her Halloween…

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