The Social Channel Guide

With so many different social networks to choose from and so little time to spend on them all, how do you choose what’s right for your business? The answer to that will be different for each business. Ultimately, you want to be where your audience is. This may be dictated by what you offer as…

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The Daily Post

Marketing for yourself can often be a challenge. You’re in it everyday and can, to a certain extent, assume that what you know about your business is common knowledge. So let’s start there: Don’t assume that what you know about your business is common knowledge. Let’s consider how to generate content for the daily post.…

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Marketing Makeover: Part 4

A marketing makeover takes time. The very fact that it’s a makeover suggests that you’ve been using a certain set of trials and tactics that may warrant some review and revision. Involving an outside voice can be helpful to keep the objectivity out front. A back to basics approach beginning with research, developing strategy, and…

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Marketing Makeover: Part 3

In Part 1 we went over the elements of research and discovery. In Part 2, we covered strategy. Part 3 of Jazepro’s Marketing Makeover is where we bring out the mannequins dressed in various outfits, accessorized with bags, shoes, and jewelry–well, maybe not exactly. But this is a great metaphor for what we do when…

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Good website design can help with my business goals?

Oh, for the days gone by when you could just nail a sign on the front of your building, GENERAL STORE, and start hocking your wares. Nowadays, it’s take a bit more. Sure, you can buy a domain name, publish your own website, and wait for the traffic to flow–but you might be waiting a…

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Need to manage online, on the go?

There’s no doubt that there has been a technical case of “shrinkage” from desktop…to laptop…to hand-held or mobile devices. The incredibly shrinking hardware has actually become increasingly more powerful! Remember when you used to have to unplug your phone from the wall jack, so that you could plug your computer in for a dial-up connection?…

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Marketing Makeover: Part 2

Last month we introduced our blog series, Marketing Makeover where we talked about Part One: assessment–audience, market share, goals and tracking. Whether you are considering a new business or a business you’ve been in for 20 years, it is crucial to stop and assess these foundational elements. But wait, there’s more! This month, with our…

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Is it time to upgrade or redesign your website?

Websites have a shelf life. Gone are the days when a business could create a website and leave it for years. Have you been feeling like something isn’t connecting for your customers with your website? Are you feeling like you need something fresh? Have you changed your branding or direction? Here are 5 indicators that…

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Perspective Matters

Owning  your own business can often find you wearing many hats–CEO, CFO, Administrative Assistant, Marketing Manager, and on and on. You know your product or service inside and out. You can talk about it all day long, you’re the one interacting with the client or customer everyday, and you’ve been around the block enough times…

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