Phishing hosting scams & website owners

I was reminded (again) today that online scams come in all forms. A customer sent us an email that looked like a legitimate notice from their hosting provider. The email stated that there had been a fatal database error and might have caused data loss on our customer’s website. The email included information that would…

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4 Indicators That Ecommerce Could Help Your Organization

It’s common knowledge that it’s no longer as simple as selling a product off of a shelf in a store, but what does this mean to a small business with a product to move? The physical store with on-site inventory may never completely go away, but many people are going to the internet to shop,…

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Some great things about Google+

Have you used Google+? If not, here are a few reasons you should check it out!! 1. Google+ profile helps you control how you appear within Google+ and all across Google. 2. Integrates with Google services like Google Docs (where you can create, edit and share your documents with others). 3. Circles: it’s all about…

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Tips for making a smarter website design

It seems that daily we are thinking about ways to improve website designs.  Do we have a clear call-to-action? Do we need a responsive site? Is our layout engaging our customer?  As a business owner we need to be aware of the trends in website design.  Here is a little data that might help you.…

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Top Social Media Mistakes

Making mistakes is part of learning! So, right off the bat–don’t worry, most things are correctable! As you become more and more familiar with the various social media platforms, you will learn from your mistakes and find that some mistakes lead to happy accidents and a new skill is born. Here are some of the…

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Netiquette 101

Etiquette on the internet is sometimes referred to as “netiquette.” Most of the guidelines involved are common sense, but warrant some highlights here that we’ll call Netiquette 101. Do unto others is a good rule of thumb. Whether you are in a social media setting, commenting on a blog post, or emailing to your contact list;…

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