Is it time to upgrade or redesign your website?

Websites have a shelf life. Gone are the days when a business could create a website and leave it for years.
Have you been feeling like something isn’t connecting for your customers with your website?
Are you feeling like you need something fresh?
Have you changed your branding or direction?
Here are 5 indicators that might be a sign that an upgrade or a redesign might be worth considering:
  • A change in business goals, services, or branding. This is a good thing! Adjusting your business goals, adding services, or updating your branding are all indicators that you are not stagnant and that you are in tune and flexible with your marketplace and your place in it. Your website needs to reflect and represent all of that. Remember when you would hand someone your business card and they would respond with–“Oh, this is nice, I’ll hold on to this and give you a call next week”–that’s what your website is now; the piece that makes an impression and tells them to call you.
  • Promote and sell new products. You’ve added some products or services since your last redesign, and now you need to make sure that everything is on there in a way that it will get noticed. If it’s been three years since your last website design–you won’t believe how much things have changed in the online world. Whether it’s form or function, there are a lot of options out there to be more effective online.
  • How mobile friendly is your current site? More and more and more people are either surfing and browsing or actually making purchases on their mobile devices. If your site doesn’t have good function in the mobile version, then you are losing valuable traffic. Becoming more mobile friendly is not as tricky as you might think, so let’s talk about your current state and your next-step options.
  • Traffic is down and not as interactive. Expectations are high, online. More so now that ever before. If you don’t give users a reason to delve into the next page and the next page of your website, you can be sure that they will move on to someone who will. There are right and wrong ways to encourage interaction on your website, and if it’s been a while since your last redesign, then you may be using some of the not-so-right ways of Flash and pop-ups. Updating your home page with invitations to take off your coat and stay awhile are the kind of ideas that we love!
Change is always a process, but a necessary one. We want to make your experience painless and dare we say, fun and exciting? Give us a call and let’s sit down and discuss what’s next for you and your website.

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