Don’t Instapanic

How many times do we check the box to make it disappear–“I agree to terms and conditions”–but never read it word for word? If you’re like a lot of us–too many times.

The recent kerfuffle with Instagram is another example of balancing the benefits of using free service apps like Instagram, Facebook, Google+, and others, with the responsibility of knowing what it actually “costs” you in the form of “terms and conditions.” This is not a time to jettison all of your accounts or swear off the internet forever, this is a time to be informed, be smart, take some time to check your privacy settings, and evaluate whether or not you are okay with the potential vulnerabilities. And while policy changes like this one make a big splash today, we all should really make it a point to regularly check these things and not depend on the next media frenzy to blow the whistle.

Policies change, strategies change, but what would I do without my low-fi, shaggy bordered picture of that amazing plate of fluffy eggs and buttery toast with the super novel hashtag #breakfastgoodness?

Take a few minutes and read a few other articles like this one from about Instagram policy changes and let us know what you think about it all.

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